2 wear or no 2 wear...that is the question #GLASSES
2 Jun 2013 12:11

2 wear or no 2 wear...that is the question #GLASSES 

I was at a shin dig last night, u know shmoozing around when this girlfriend (a girl who's a friend, we're not an item) start's laying into me about my glasses & starts telling me how I should get contacts nuh nuh nuh. I personally think I look quite fetching in my goggles. What do u think peepz? J! #glasses #goggles #spectacles #vanity #looks #bodyimage #bmi #ltr #money #personality #partytricks #cjace #johnnykeys on #HCE @ mobypicture

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posted by joseph hepburn 8 Jun 2013 00:01

B4 we do jack ish,,,,i need to know how to spell #lilian ....it's very important ...if you know on fb or twitterland please let Uncle CJ! know...you will will have a friend for life....is it one L...2 L's #LLCOOLJ ?

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 13:35

Tt4n. J!

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 13:22

I'm gonna have a short break. Lordo want's to say hi. Hey batter batter. J!

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 13:22

I'm gonna have a short break. Lordo want's to say hi. Hey batter batter. J!

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 12:55

Food 4 thought innit. J!

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 12:53

I just think we all focus on #toughness and #vanity too much these days, everyone want's to be the top dog and run #newyork . There's got to be more to life than that hasn't there?

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 12:49

I mean the same way women are looking for qualities in a man, I think men are beginning to look for qualities in their women. Y'know, Can they #work or are the gonna be #goldgiggers , do they have a modicum of #decorum or are they just gonna be #madghetto , will they be able to give u space to do ur hobbies or need att. 24/7, will they expect u to do the cooking or are they any good at making #cupcake s? These are the things we wanna know ladies!

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 12:41

There's gotta be more to life than wearing contacts, and looking fit enough to knock man out in the club. Smh.

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 12:36


posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 12:34

I mean I don't know if the girl in question knows since I last saw them I've passed out, lost a pair and these are my £180.00 replacements...they came with a spare square pair that mebbe look a bit more up 2 date n groovy...I'll see if I can find them, I dunno. Thing is I felt it was all a bit rich coming from her, seeing all she was wearing round her waist was a belt, a denim belt but a belt none the less...put a skirt on girl! 0800 should the CJ ditch his #glasses and start wearing contacts. I'd be keen 2 know. Ace!

posted by joseph hepburn 2 Jun 2013 12:27

4 those who are interested the jist of the conversation was, 'I wouldn't be seen dead in a club with a chubby bald guy with glasses.' I mean c'mon peepz is that where we are these days, is that all there is to life? Look I don't know what it's like for ladies but 4 men I'd have thought pulling/keeping a girl would be more about how much #money u make and whether u have a good #partytrick / #partytricks than what ur face furniture looks like and ur #bmi but I could well be wrong...

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#TASHAREIGN and buddy #CALLMEMAYBE ... 2 wear or no 2 wear...that is the question #GLASSES So it's #FRIDAYNIGHT.....
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