Making the most of being stranded in Umami in Copenhagen, together with Rags & Jimmy :-)
#Layar #bowlr team 1: 20's glamour!
#Layar @rhymo & me #bowlr
Oh, I thought the theme for #bowlr was 'Glamour'. It apparently is 'glitterhoedje'
#Layar team 2 #bowlr
Anthony in gesprek met de tijger #dierenparkAmersfoort
Off to bed... in the city that never sleeps - after a nice evening #ICNY w guys from Funda and Floorplanner
#Layar go-Kart team
Some very serious programming going on @ #Layar HQ
Ridder Anthony gaat volledig op in het #nieuwjaarsconcert
@weermanroel deze is nog beter. Direct vanaf Vevey naar Bern ligt sneeuw langs de weg maar wegen zijn schoon.
@weermanroel In het dal bij Meer v Geneve regen, vlak daarboven sneeuw
Knee-deep powder skiing. Only local lifts open due to snowstorm but oh my did we have fun! Les Crosets, #PdS. Cc @roelvdbekerom
Taking a break after a fantastic day on the slopes. The Dents du Midi catch the last few sunrays before the snowfall kicks in. Next: ski nocturne! (night skiing)
The snow is perfect and life is good :-)
Grappig ingepakt hek in Aalden/ Zweeloo #wildbreien
Stiktu'd the shirt of Sjoerd! #stiktu
Bezoek van 4 scholieren van Gymnasium Novum in Voorburg die een filmpje maken in het kader van
A table! Yes I will stop tweeting :-) #Layar
#Layar Rags and a not to be named team member :-)
Yes, they can code... Two of our (lead) engineers #Layar
Founders #Layar - trying to look smart :-)
Ebony and Ivory.... #layar
Michael, Charlotte and Roald #layar

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