Been getting stuttering like this:
@JohnRHeaton Works here. You’re the only person to seemingly have these kinds of issues.
Anyone know how to get rid of this awefulness on Ubuntu 15.04?
My celebratory Memorial Day gunshot:
Leaving work like a fuckin’ BOSS:
All the powah! @SebastienPeek @SeanCleveland02
City bike gathering, people don’t like to move…
Yup. Burbs ain’t got shit on city EMS:
Bike gathering in the city:
Part two:
They must be on the final level:
Anyone know how to get plymouth to work properly on 15.04? Can't get it working, here's what happens:
Some of iOS 8.4's Music app functionality:
Anyone know what is causing these glitches? Software or hardware? It’s totall random, not reproducible.
@binaryage TotalFinder no longer spawns a new window when clicking the dock icon...
Said glitching:
This is exactly what happens, it gets killed as soon as it launches:
@tyler_nettleton This is the actual drone with the windows up:
@tyler_nettleton I'll take a better one tomorrow on my way to get my timing done, but here's a crap vid with it:
Ignore the crappy start and the poor shift, Inwas in traffic. But boooooooost!!!!
Does the Notification Center menubar icon vanish for others?
Playing a video in VLC and this weird scrolling glitch with a window in front of VLC. Only occurs where the video is.
I made a version of the SW7 teaser with Motley Crue as the music. I am lauging way too hard at this. It's great!
Every time I run Stepmania 5b4a it leaves a folder on my desktop:

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Sometimes I save lives, play with myself, curse a lot, post dumb shit, take awesome photos and I'm working on a slammed MK3 VW Cabrio.



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