5 Major Reasons to Monitor Your Business Credit Reports
30 May 2020 10:56

5 Major Reasons to Monitor Your Business Credit Reports 

Our business credit profile is often the basis for decisions others make about our company. It is used to determine how much money lenders will loan us, how much credit suppliers will extend to us, that’s why it's important to know what's in our business credit report and monitor it for accuracy and changes. Our credit report paints a picture of our business for the world to see. Out-dated information can give the wrong impression about our business ratings in unfavourable decisions that negatively impact our bottom line. By keeping track of our business credit report, we can identify inaccuracies and request corrections. A poor business credit score can make it difficult, or even impossible, to get funding and obtain lines of credit for your business. The first step in improving our score is to become aware of the factors that drive our current company credit score. By managing these more effectively we can make a positive impact on our credit score, which can lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

5 Major Reasons to monitor your Business Credit Reports

1. Ensure your company’s credit report is complete and accurate
2. Stay notified on any changes to your report that could impact your business
3. Identify any issues or areas in your report that can be improved upon
4. Be aware of who is inquiring about your business (inquiries)
5. Prevent identity theft by monitoring inquiries into your report


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Payal Gupta


CreditQ is first Indian Platform which will work for MSME. CreditQ is providing a platform to report defaulter, and generate Credit Informat

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5 Tips for Expanding Your Small Business 5 Major Reasons to Monitor Your Business Credit Reports How Does Company Credit Score Work?
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