It gets no better: enjoying our hot tub time machine! Time to party like it's 1799!!!
It's lovely here. Chilling with @Fresh_Moves @natandres @M_KWAD - champagne, seafood and great friends!
Enjoying a second pint and great fish tacos  @CRAFTbeermarket - food is outstanding here
Gabe orders the massive "20 Napkin Burger"  @CRAFTbeermarket - I order the cardiac paddles for his dessert.
I am Sir Digby Chicken Caesar!
Life in a nutshell (or a beer bottle in this case)
Studio looking (and working) amazing - only acoustic tiling to finally add now!
Surprised at home after a long day's work with a bounty of fine appetizers and dinner to come. Thanks, Valentine!
Great meal at Village Cantina, Inglewood. Sadly they are closing next week, get a flight of tequila while you can!
Freakishly large iMac appears in my studio. I will call him George. I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him.
#ninjatunexx - wow - Kid Koala is playing his set in a giant Koala costume. Now that's dedication...
Settling into NYC. The view from my room is outright spectacular. Time for a late lunch & walk in Central Park.
Wow, I just realized that Hamid Karzai is actually Wyatt Cenac in makeup - no wonder Afghanistan is so messed up.
Great afternoon at the Art Gallery of Alberta, Burtynsky "Oil" exhibit was very thought provoking.
Ok, so I just had a shot of She Jiu with two lizards in it. That's different...
This is a Friday to remember - or forget? Remember.
Oktoberfest rocks on at @thebrokencity - good times and good friends
Oktoberfest @thebrokencity - awesome way to spend a 23c afternoon on an open rooftop patio. @scottszarapka agrees
Mmmm, a bottle of 2000 Dom and good friends. Makes life much easier...

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