Happy Easter to me and hello breakfast...
Happy Easter to myself. Look at all these shiny goodies....
Found this on FB and just had to share: I knew my swearing "problem" was actually a good thing.
Also, how the fuck did I get this bruise????
If that doesn't look a tiny bit dodgy I dunno what does... #pushdodgybuttontoflush
Two rather cute baristas just made me the cutest coffee - for free!!!
Does anyone know what this is? Other than tree bark...
This is what happens when batteries are not taken out of electronic equipment for over a year...
And DONE! #abenospecial
Almost done
3 layers of okonomiyaki and it's still not finished....
Hello there
Damnit, why did I buy these???? #addicted
Damnit, why did I buy these???? #addicted
Had to open a new carton of milk just for coffee so made some chocolate pudding as well...
Loving this image...
Usual lunch break occupation...

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I love movies, photography, tv, books, games - in short STORIES! that's also why I love to travel a lot and meet new people. so don't be shy


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