Guess what he's watching when I got home? Yes, ombak rindu. Lambat per boy!
Made some porridge today for the sick. i.e me. Despite being unappetizing looking, it's yummy k.
I'm like leticia helping boboy wash / hang his army uniform. -_- . The eff?
Here's to all who worry too much. E.g me.
Bidding for an iPhone 4s. Just for the fun of it. The Clock is ticking, tuah anda siapa yang tahu. Lolll
Awe, look! doesn't she look like u Eka, @FiqahSshi when u were younger? Huge eyes and cheeks mintak kene gigit!
Overpopulation or progress? Really miss Singapore in the 90s..
So the Curry sauce is back with new packaging.. Time to menggemzkan diri lagi dengan Nuggets. Lollll
Cuteness overload. Can't stop playing!
Omg temple run is sooo addictive. Game yang best untok bilik termenung too.
The ironing board acts as a table and my bed as a chair. So versatile, I know right? -_-
Air Batu feveret ! Mana nak dapat ni
Yummy Chee cheong fun to start off the day with
Halloween costume too cute! Nak makan dia!
Free Garrett popcorn upgrade with this coupon.  share it.
@linajuliana @PyroAlif that's Ur mom and my dad in the 70s? Hehehe... not too difficult to spot kan?
desperate housewives Disney version.
First eggtart in a very very very long time
LOLL. this mum gerek.
Giggling non stop hits re-reading mini shopaholic. Like mother like dotter!
Part mintak duit, bukan main baik lagik.
Snacking on sky crackers. Sedap pulak ni barang..

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Hidayu Othman


a Leo.


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