alance sheet, on t
15 Sep 2010 03:25

alance sheet, on t 

habit of searching
out economic causes. Under the head of finances, he remarks, "The
revenue has increased more than in the same ratio with population:
1st, because our wealth has increased in a greater
ratio than population; 2d, because the seaports and towns, which
consume imported articles much more than the country, have increased
in a greater proportion." The final paragraph in these "notes" is a
synopsis of his entire scheme of administration. "There is but one
subject not mentioned in the message which I feel extremely anxious
to see recommended. It is generally that Congress

should adopt such measures
as will effectually guard against misapplications of public moneys,
by making specific appropriations whenever
practicable; by providing against the application
of moneys drawn from the Treasury under an appropriation to any other
or to any greater
amount than that for
which they have been drawn; by limiting discretionary power in the
application of that money; whether by heads of department or by any
other agents; and by rendering every person who receives public
moneys from the Treasury as immediately, promptly, and effectually
accountable to the
accounting officer (the comptroller) as practicable. The great
characteristic, the flagrant vice, of the late administration has
been total disregard of laws,
and application of public moneys by the Department to objects for
which they
were not appropriate." Outlines for a system of specific
appropriations were inclosed. That the mission of Jefferson's
administration was

the reduction of the debt, Gallatin set forth i

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Mrs. Peerybingle nodded also, fifty times at leas alance sheet, on t W what she had been seeking. It hung by its scarlet tongue from a bea
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