If you were a teenage vampire which one would you pick? #DKNYSunglassSoiree
He's just fine in my cool closet “@MarianaByDesign: @dkny oh man! How can you even mention shearling in this heat? :)”
How fun is the world clock on iphone? Here's mine
Here don't be sad. Life's a beach @SashaHalima #Screensaver
. @YuliZ looking tres chic in DKNY tonight at her book launch "Blogging Your Way To The Front Row". #fashion20
What do 20-something Parisian IT girls wear? #DonnaKaran #Vogue
Oftentimes, it's a simple, thoughtful gesture that puts a smile on your face-
yes! @e_naughton I have it framed in my office. But thx for this b/c I didn't have a blog in Feb & now I can reblog!
So this is going to be super annoying to anyone who envy's a model's body, but Karlie bakes and shares at every shoot-
Starting the day with coffee and a fresh coat-
Just had a Marilyn Monroe moment here...it's verrrrry windy at Jimmy
I'm usually a glass half full person but.....
I might just join them... (view from patio) #WeddingCrasher
Remember the game MASH? I was always so excited when I got the mansion. I want to play now & win this-
This is cutting it way too close don't you think?
Because pouring is just too much effort.
Yankee Stadium bound- PR girls represent. Styling & photography by moi...
You know how they say that things are never black & white? Well sometimes they are......
@apple is this surgery really necessary? You looked really good for your age-
SEA of Cozies-
twinkle twinkle little apartments (this is when bionoculars would come in handy)
My favorite corner of my apt. I love lying on the opposite couch &staring at the window- p.s (west elm/mackenzie childs)
Ok so this is what I stumble upon. Guy says "if u r here for WSJ event go around corner w/ all the other dressed up ppl"
Good thing I chose "efficient". The choice is so clear...

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I'm your well-placed fashion source bringing you behind-the-scenes scoop from inside Donna Karan New York & DKNY and my life as a PR girl living in NY.

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