My daughter is taking a break with her book while we wait at TaeKwonDoe.
One of the jail blocks and "Death Row". #ESP  #iphoneography
Another #iphoneography snap...

Guard tower. 

 @boblu262 @BrianMatiash
Here is where I spent my afternoon.... behind prison walls.  Location:
Wedding was beautiful... Now we've moved on to a restaurant for dinner.
Still at the first wedding from this weekend. Beautiful day!
Still at the first wedding from this weekend. Beautiful day!
My daughter is about to begin a virtual guitar lesson with @markwesling over iChat. Geekery, FTW!!
My geeky tee of the day...

Now. To work on my evil laugh. #DrHorrible
@kojobaffoe @nique88888 I did this fairly quickly (and sloppily as a joke) in Reel Director.
The girls were very excited that it was cool enough that they could wear the hats we brought back from #SDCC
My daughter did a little painting this afternoon.
@naddycat here's another shot.
@naddycat I met a frakking awesome boxer tonight. Wanted to take her home!!
Ok... Per request... Dining area under the stands at the stadium!
Cocoa's just chillin' while the bride and bridesmaids get ready.
Here's a follow-up video regarding the wager between  @scottevest and myself.
Brought the man-child to Tae Kwon Doe. Good thing I brought reading material!
@Zenfolio Still hate your Java uploader. It's HORRIBLY slow. Would U want to wait this long to upload a wedding?
I'm wearing a shirt appropriate for Monday mornings.
This is what happens when I doodle while watching TV.
Here's what it looks like close-up.
Just hung a 'Rasterbated' photo in my studio. Essentially, a large image is resolved to large pixels.
Yeehawww!  and #BOOYAH!!!  

My @Square reader arrived today!

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David Pringle

Harrisburg, PA

I am a husband, father of 3, photographer, painter, creator of #ArtSwap2010, SCUBA diver,amateur classical guitarist, business owner... regu



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