2 hours sleep, a deadline and strongbow. It's now
Midday #productivity #fb
Steve leading with funk at our Gorton campus, ccm:east  #lovemanchester #christchurchmanchester #fb
Libya protestors outside the BBC. #lovemanchester #fb
Look what PDF I nailed in iBooks! #lovepiper #iPhone #fb
Student protests in platt fields park #lovemanchester #fb
Church sounds freakin awesome, #christchurchmanchester is probably the loudest church I have ever known. Ever. #fb
Church sounds freakin awesome, #christchurchmanchester is probably the loudest church I have ever known. Ever. #fb
Paddy hannity christening phils sink. This is gross. #hallsforjesus #fb
Paddy hannity christening phils sink. This is gross. #hallsforjesus #fb
Practising capitalism with the fam. It's MONOPOLY. #lovexmas #fb
My face, after hearing I won an internship at Goldman Sachs investment bank. #THANKYOUJESUS #fb
My face, when realising I had 18 chocolate days to catch up on. #fb
Check what amazon sent me! #itsallaboutjesus #fb
My drunken uni buddies singing in the snow about Jesus. I freakin #lovemanchester #fb
LOVE this book: stuff Christians like. #redeemhumour #fb
Seeing Kele in Manchester. He's kinda bloc party with more trance. And actually awesome. #fb
@comebackkid : About 1000 kids crave a King, because "all idols fall away"  #onlyJesus #fb
Check out the new toy I just picked up #singleness #fb
Check out my new toy #singleness #fb
Cults: adding to the bible since Genesis 3 #xtnscience praying for Manchester. #fb
The Hilton from my lecture theatre. #lovemanchester #fb

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Tim Windsor Brown

Manchester, Greater Manchester

Love Jesus, Love his church. Serving both until I die looks good.


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