@bettigefecht It's  @moijojojo's birthday.
 Happy Birthday Moi!!!!  @moijojojo
My choice for manchair
@dahliablack86 psst
@dahliablack86 psst
Apparently, my oldesr doesn't like ham, to the point that he can't let it touch his chicken nuggets.
Time to gloat. The hub and I agreed to not get anything for eachother. So he went out and bought me a Macbookpro.
Portable Babycrack for my oldest (his cousin broke is Leapfrog laptop). He hasn't stopped playing with it.
@KayCannon1 I like this one.
Confessions Teaser: I let out a slow breath, as his hand slides over my waist to settle at the base of my back.
@Chele681 @KayCannon1 repay. Not naked but hot
@DanaeAyusso How about this hot hunk-o-manflesh?
Confessions Teaser: The note read "No clocks allowed. Get up, and join me for breakfast." 
♫ http://blip.fm/~i9i83
Confessions Teaser: ...he flops down onto the bed beside me with a loud grunt.
“Can you sleep now?”
Confessions Teaser: I smell bacon, and my mouth is watering before my eye are even completely open.
Beef! It's what's for dinner! We made the mother of all Roast beef sandwiches. Yummy!
Omg this is totally how I shopped when I was single.
@feathers_mmmm Oh yeah. I'm wishing for this
@kimpy0464 Remember what I emailed you today? Here is some visual & auditor aids. ♫ http://blip.fm/~i3lqz
@chimaera2009 That would just make me want to spam them with pics like this...
@sbgdgt Nice. I'll rustle up my dirty manwhore Edward, so they can play.
I'm needing my little pocket of zen more today. Thought I'd share it with you guys.

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