Better than Borders
Breakfast in Killiney Road
Little India, Singapore
Joel orders some Kway Chap for our dinner
Merlion and new Sands casino
The overpriced Singapore Sling at Raffles
Reclining Buddha, Wat Pho
Street food, Ayutthaya
Row of golden Buddha statues, Wat Pho
Fishy massage in Khaosan Rd
Elephant ride, Ayutthaya
The Marble Temple, Bangkok
She only wants to give you a teddy bear...well, a teddy something
Otaku no keki
Mac store fetishism, Ginza-style
This reminds me of 'Spirited Away'
Beautiful kimono, Tokyo National Museum
With Satoshi at the summit of the Park Hyatt, Tokyo
Central America, as seen by the Sony Centre in Ginza
Three monkeys
The forest of the Nikko national park
Hot cans of tea, coffee and soup on the shelf
Blue-fin tuna auction at Tsukiji market

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