Chillin' w/ @chrisrandour
Speaking of that, we've got about an hour till sunrise here on O'ahu. Time to get up and get moving. #goodmorning
"When you live in Texas, every single time you see snow it's magical." - Pamela Ribon #WhiteChristmas #Dallas
"When you live in Texas, every single time you see snow it's magical." - Pamela Ribon #WhiteChristmas #Dallas
I was so excited to wake up and see this little blue bag this morning. @chrisrandour is the best!
Plus, we might get to see something truly rare and magical tomorrow...a white Christmas in Texas. ❄✨ #fingerscrossed
Figures that the 1st winter storm warning we've seen in Texas is the day we're driving across the panhandle. #notcool ❄
It is now officially December 21st, 2012 in CST. #dawningoftheageofaquarius ✨
Man, the Raiderettes look about as good as the Raiders play...
Man, the Raiderettes look about as good as the Raiders play...
@MelindaMHarmon Me too! I also LOVE Kona Brewing Company!
Just so everyone remembers...
Winter in north #Texas . ☀
Making our final descent into DFW ...yep, I already miss my mountains.
Love having wifi in the air! Thank you @FlyFrontier ! ✈
This pretty much says it all... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Good morning
Good morning
I ❤ tweeting from 36,000ft (thank you @VirginAmerica !) ...Less than an hour till we're back in the Bay!
I ❤ tweeting from 36,000ft (thank you @VirginAmerica !) ...Less than an hour till we're back in the Bay!
We have a nephew! @chrisrandour & I are the proud Uncle & Auntie to  Samuel Charles! Born Oct. 14th 5:46A 7lbs 11oz.
Happy 4th birthday to my oldest niece Makena! Wish we were in Colorado to celebrate!
I know it's colder other places, but for's f***ing freezing right now!
In case you forgot, there's a candidate who wasn't at the debate tonight, @GovGaryJohnson . #garyjohnson12 #libertarian

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Erica Randour

Dallas. Denver. Honolulu

Redhead. Producer. Wife to @chrisrandour. Cupcake enthusiast. Denver sports fan. Jet-setter. Auntie. Haole wahine. Libertarian. Sagittarius.



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