@MagsMac @laurenfleshman @Lindsaylm I LOVE @pickybars! And their T-shirts are my favorite. SO soft & comfy!
What the hell kind of survey is this??
Someone thinks she's a cat!
@DaveWantBeer @colleenpburgh @sp1365 ERMAHGERD!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
. @danielwcarlson talk about a perfectly timed tweet!
New year means new Dalek calendar at work!
New year means new Dalek calendar at work!
This what happens when I have a craving for cookies but don't want to leave the house to buy a couple.
My parents got this electric frying pan as a wedding gift 54 years ago. I've had it for years! Still works great!
I also have a bunch of purses. They'll all go to goodwill if not snapped up!
Anyone need a nice pair of knee high boots? I can't wear heels anymore. Size 9.5.
Anyone need a nice pair of knee high boots? I can't wear heels anymore. Size 9.5.
It's a New Year's miracle! While purging my closet, I found my long lost original Rasta @beersox in an old purse!
To show you just how big that screw with washer is here's a quarter for scale. I'm lucky I made it home!
Yup. That will definitely give you a flat tire.
@nadnuk I've been using this stuff & it's been a life changer! It comes in other scents (this is a holiday version).
Only tonight found out @Netflix has a fireplace video, sans music. Just a cracking fire. So relaxing.
For some reason LML gets scared when @KeviKev talks on the phone. She hid in corner by my desk on top of my shoes.
@wynkoutloud we are DVRing it. I, of course, am dressed appropriately for the day.
Relaxing w LML, watching A Christmas Story while @KeviKev sleeps in. Merry Christmas everyone!
Relaxing w LML, watching A Christmas Story while @KeviKev sleeps in. Merry Christmas everyone!
It's officially Christmas... I've seen the dildo tree lights!
Finally got around to spending our Soec's gift cards. Think this will hold us for a while.

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Houston, TX

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