Premier Mentoring Standards - How To Perform Credit Card Fraud On The Elderly
11 Oct 2012 00:10

Premier Mentoring Standards - How To Perform Credit Card Fraud On The Elderly
Premier Mentoring contacted my mother to offer a business startup plan. She was still in mourning over losing her husband (my father) only two weeks prior. My mom is a hard working woman so she took the chance to jump into what she thought was going to be a good business, and in my opinion a reason not to sit home thinking about dad. I wouldn’t find out about her new hobby until a week later. By that time things had already been set in motion. Fast forward to almost three weeks later where my mom is at the point of pulling her hair out for agreeing to such an incredibly big scam!Within the first month they charged her more than $13,000, initially, and then continued the scams with multiple phone calls and charges per day every day, thereafter. Finally, she caught on after her credit card was maxed out and found herself considering using her life savings to cover the additional fees.By the time we got her credit cards cancelled, Premier Mentoring and it's other company names, all at the same physical address, had charged her more than $25,000. When my Mom disputed the charges they'd made without her authorization, etc, Premier Mentoring said they'd sue her for violating her contract. She sent them a letter, demanding that they only communicate with her in writing, via mail, concerning her dispute; they refused, and continue to call her on her home phone and cell phone more than 15 times per day, every day, stalking and harassing her.Further, additional fraudulent charges just popped up on her cards that they'd charged her, without ever speaking to her or selling her anything else (fraudulent or otherwise) over and over again, in amounts from  $1,900 to as large as $9,995. Premier Mentor's entire staff, owners, and all employees and staff associated with them and their businesses all need to go to jail for credit card fraud, and they need to be sued for the money they've stolen from my Mother and all of the other victims they've committed fraud against.This company and the criminals that work for them should all spend at least a decade in jail, all of their belongings need to be liquidated and distributed to the victims, and all of them need to spend the rest of their lives as registered felons. This 'company' is a criminal enterprise. The state of Utah has an obligation to assist authorities in other states in shutting this criminal enterprise down, immediately, and in seeing every one of these people indicted and prosecuted for these crimes.Rosalyn S. 

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Wealth Mentoring - Multiple Streams Of Income - A Scam With No Questions Asked Premier Mentoring Standards - How To Perform Credit Card Fraud On The Elderly John Cummuta, Transforming Debt Into Wealth, New World Media
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