@AwesomeJon37 @JDenigma oh dude you just changed the #hightweets station to all Jimi, all the time. ♬ 'Manic Depression' - The Jimi Hendrix Experience ♪
♬ 'Hero of War' - Rise Against ♪ This song gives me fucking chills #militarization #brainwashedpatriotism #amagi
♬ 'Song for the Dead' - Queens of the Stone Age ♪ #hightweets #thisSongIsForTweakersLol
♬ 'The Ghost of Tom Joad' - Rage Against the Machine ♪
♬ 'Hadda Be Playing on the Jukebox' - Rage Against the Machine ♪ Great song, Ginsberg was a genius.
♬ 'People of the Sun' - Rage Against the Machine ♪ such a sick fucking bass line
♬ 'Know Your Enemy' - Rage Against the Machine ♪
♬ 'Bombtrack' - Rage Against the Machine ♪
♬ Bad Religion - We're Only Gonna Die From Our Own Arrogance ♫ #nowplaying #punk
♬ 'Scarlet Begonias' - Sublime ♪ #music #hightweets
♬ 'Hey Ladies' - Beastie Boys ♪ a definitive jam of the 80's from a bunch of Jewish kids
And now for something completely different, ♬ 'I Left My Wallet In El Segundo' - A Tribe Called Quest #music
♬ 'Cut Your Ribbon' - Sparta ♪ I think Sparta is the ultimate hardcore band before the descent into emo #music
♬ 'John Wayne Was a Nazi' - MDC ♪ one of the most brilliant bands musically, so much more complex then normal punk
♬ 'Myage' - Descendents ♪ the Descendents were so unrelievedly ahead of their time. Sublime, Green Day, etc
If you wanna trace the sound if bands like chili peppers or fishbone, listen to ♬ 'Pay to Cum' - Bad Brains ♪
♬ 'Broken Box' - Queens of the Stone Age ♪ #music like this is playing on a piano in Satans Saloon in Hell
Now you really want to talk hypnotic drone you gotta go to ♬ 'Song for the Deaf' - Queens of the Stone Age ♪
♬ 'All the World Is Mad' - Thrice ♪ I love the hypnotic quality of this song between the guitar and the vocals
♬ 'Touched' - VAST ♪ fucking trip-rOck shit, crazy drugged out. Fucking love it #hightweets
♬ 'Salute Your Solution' - The Raconteurs ♪
♬ 'Steady, as She Goes' - The Raconteurs ♪ #hightweets #music find yourself a girl and settle down..
♬ 'Before You Accuse Me' - Eric Clapton ♪ I called your mama, bout three or four nights ago..
♬ 'Down Rodeo' - Rage Against the Machine ♪ fuck yes

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