Great #shoot today love #Filmmaking #steadycam work
#lastleg #CH4 my son Floyd is inspired, his mum sent me this pic of him wanting to be an Olympian a para Olympian
It was a real trip to be stood outside Arkwrights General Stores... G G G G Granville rode his bbbbike down here...
Went to an iconic TV location today! Can you work it out?
Was thinking I was gonna share some good news about the #DailyMail burning down but was just a test. #wishfulthinking
RT @TaylorHerringPR signs at Stratford station this morning. In case you were wondering where to go next... I saw these
So I climb into bed at 02;45 and then have to be on this train...
Never heard fireworks like it #OlympicClosingCeremony well done London
Nearly done....we can hear the noise from the stadium and then 4 seconds later the tv catches up
@GunnerGale if you can't get in come and watch with me. Not in the Stadium but our TV studio overlooks the whole park.
Had a good shoot with Piers from #teamRAZOR. He knows the best spots for shots and coffee shops.
So.#Twitter do you like today's tee shirt....
#filmmakers at #Olymipcs2012  3 camera shoot live into Al Iraqia broadcast from Morocco to Iran.
About to go live for a 30 min Qatar
Have been #filming the #Olymipcs2012 park with our #Sonyf3k
RT @focus7GY This where #BBC are based. #london2012 #OlympicPark.  I've attached the picture this time... Der
It would be great to see you, am on Olympic news stuff. My view. Where you moved to?
@ukcameraman I had chicken curry and rice also choose the banofee waffles for pudding or dessert...
@misfitsRus think I found your female doppelgänger
@DollWithStrings I nearly rung you today so you could tell him face to face or phone to ear....
Look who just dropped by.... It's Dave man....#London2012 #Olympics
#Yorkshire mans creed for #Yorkshire folk on #Yorkshire Day from a #Lincolnshire Yellow Belly
Timelapse filming while I eat lunch
Today's #camera for #filming #news at #London2012 the Sony 350.

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Rob & Sean

Grimsby, UK

We are a 10 year established tv/film production company and enjoy working with everyone from Community groups to Broadcast productions.



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