This cuff was just a tad snug when I bought it a year or so ago. ~50 lbs. later…. #FB
As if getting a seat on the #DCMetro wasn’t hard enough already. #Car6058 @wmata @unsuckdcmetro
Mother Nature didn’t exactly picture scaffolding.
That iOS knows to autocorrect “Joe Schmo” is nothing short of amusing.
Quoth the roomie: “What’s with the punk-rock-high-school nails?”

Me: “I felt like it!”

#WhatevahIDoWhatIWant #FB
He’s alive! #Lego #GreenLantern #DCComics #superhero
Oh, hells yes! #Lego #GreenLantern #DCComics #superhero #FB
Hey @DickieHearts. Not sure if you watch any @cartoonnetwork content, but if you do you’d appreciate this.
Oh, this arrived for me today. Happy #Appleversary to me! #R084 #R112 #FB
Exchanged & APP+’d. (Also, this one connects to my Microcell; the black one didn’t for some reason.)
[immature chuckle]
domain name acquired. bitchin’!
@mbarilla i did it the hard way: downloaded target app and signed up for coupons. :/
@jrlpy the ultimate ad for the miniseries: a NYC subway car. Notice the seats.
@sgsnr 1+2+1+1 #ClueUniversity
And yes this totally autocorrected itself. I didn’t prompt that.
@tehgort and currently he’s chewing his foot. So weird.
@tehgort my iPad lock screen wallpaper drips cuteness. I believe there’s a cream for that.
I ❤ my new lock screen wallpaper.
and with this, i believe bacon has officially jumped the shark. #FB
@mvelic not for someone with a couple subscriptions going.
@crbinsf what a splendid idea!
Unsure how I feel about this applesauce. Not bad, but keep expecting to find half dissolved Jolly Rancher candy in it.

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Fredo Alvarez

Washington, DC

geek. smartass. fuzzy. gay. awesome.



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