Looks like some designer is getting his money's worth from that font megadeal he just bought #fail #design
I guess if you don't buy anything, you can sit all day. #uxfail #ui17
So, it turns out that the Dunkin Donuts wasn't really in the water. #uxfail #ui17
I double-clicked an Excel file on my Mac. A black overlay slowly descended from the top of the screen and then this.
Saw this on a whiteboard at work. Shouldn't they have photographed it, erased it, and left the photo?
Quick! Somebody call Bob and Doug!
That's a thick book. No wonder firewalls are so hard to configure! #firewall #firewalls
Wait--what?? Wayne Seguin has some explaining to do.
Hey, Sports Illustrated! Twitter changed its logo--catch up! #twitter #si #SportsIllustrated
Man I was really running fast today! #runkeeper #fail #RunKeeperPleaseFixGPSIssues
I've heard of fruit-flavored gum, but gum-flavored fruit???
Scoreboard rollover--Jacksonville Giants scored an ABA record 211 points tonight! #aba #jaxgiants

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Rob Warner

iPhone: 30.163819,-81.571257

Software Developer, Father of 5, basketball junkie, Celtics fan

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