When a yaoi mangaka gives a comment....
I dislike dry season. I wish we had winter here in Indonesia.
#FTWD is back?! πŸ‘€
@setsunavie Vie udah nyobain ini kah?
Mada mada dane...🐬🏊🏻
Ini komikanya atlet renang, jadi kangen dedek.
Payut, Rolando, Roland?! These comments made my day. πŸ˜‚
Gak sadar kalau tensi rendah. 😰
8 sendok teh gula percangkir. 2 sendok aja udah manis. πŸ™
Perasaan terdalam 'kaum tersisih'. HYCHAN dan Gacchan kudu hati-hati. xDDDD
My brother said the cookies look alay. xD I think they are pretty cute.☺️
@setsunavie Iya Vie, t-shirtnya warna item gambarnya yang ini. Ibu-ibunya sekitar 40taunan ada kali.
Frankie lawan Sebas siapa yang bakal menang ya? Hhhmmmm....
Rai jaman baheula! Bandingin sama Rai yang jadi ava. 😭 Apalagi dulu Frankie kaya ibu-ibu sosialita. πŸ˜“
Seriusan ini horor bgt! 😱 Anak kecil emank gampang kena kutu rambut.
Which should I choose? πŸ€”
And now they are ganging up on him and acting like they are the true warrior. πŸ™„ πŸ˜’
Beat 'em all, M-21!!!!
I cannot stop crying. Lazark!!! Such a great big brother.
Let's see what's gonna happen when Rai is MAD. πŸŒͺ #savelukedonia
Lazark!!!! πŸ’” Thank you for trying so hard to save Lukedonia and our precious family members. You are the hero!
NOOO!!! Lazark!!! Where is Muzaka? I want him to kill those disgusting monsters including the former family leaders.
Baru tau kalau tarif internetnya naik. 😐
My fiancé~ 😍

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Bandung, Indonesia

The world is an examination room and ALLAH SWT tests my life with the most beautiful person called HYDE.


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