Ahh. Hot Fox, the Bodmin store windows are a mess, no? We must eliminate the people therein. Now. 
The Times magazine today: thank god, it's NOT just me! 
X x x
Ok. It's cold and miserable outside. However,  I feel this pic of a very pale and pasty idiot with child half...
Alas, no sausage time for Tony...this is the best I can do today. 
Not menacing today, supporting and enhancing! X
Eat ya heart out...I have yummy sausages! X
You could say that, but nothing too serious. All sorted now...and look, I have my new book to read! X
Omg! Look at what I purchased yesterday!!!!!! Xx
I've heard Chez Forde is up for a Michelin star this year! How's this pic for a pants wetter. I'm on the left...
Waaaaay ahead of you Patsy, you sophisticated champagne quoffing socialite you! X x
Be honest, aren't you glad you don't work in Bodmin?!!!
@ShelfsideRobbo eat your heart out mate. Good things come to those who wait!
My Nephew has finished carving his pumpkin. Kids today 'eh?
On the plus side....room service has arrived. 
FFS! Only in Taunton: dog wearing socks. Not bandages, socks. Where's the poor feckers shoes?
Bale on way to the toilet. Thought best not to follow.
To dare is to queue!
Shit car, great number plate!
Prog rock magazine! Ok, so it's £8 but I'm in old man rock heaven!
Seems appropriate to wear this today.
Goal celebrations at the Lane. Great night.
Gorgeous day by the pool in sunny Wiltshire. Who wants to join the party? All welcome!
Forest of Dean, you looked awesome today.
@theparklane taken yesterday...not great though!
Little Jol and I are about to bake some cookies. Yeah you heard me, I'm baking!

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I look like Mr Jol


Married, father of 1, Springsteen and Spurs fan. Here to pass the time of day


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