Dear Eric Herman: my kids love your music and you are AWESOME for providing the sheet music like this. Thank you.

Sigh. Yes, letterpress, that *is* a word.
It has begun.
Time to play the “which gmail account has the one new message in it” game. How’d google screw up this part of an otherwise awesome app?
This bothers me so much less when I know, in less than a month, I won’t have to deal with it anymore.
-22°C. Snow storms.

Dear Ottawa: if you’re trying to make sure I won’t miss you…mission accomplished.
Camera+ always has the best release notes.
I almost feel bad about this one. Almost.
My kids insane joy for the first snow fall is awesome and infectious.
Well I got the nosing done on five landings. Good enough. Need to get a bigger thumb drive for the OS X reinstall now…
This is how you write off your Lamborghini as a business expense.
Intel’s booth at #SC12 features the bridge of the USS Enterprise.
Sun rise over the mountain.
It all starts here. With The Elders of The Internet.
Cold and snowy here in Salt Lake City.
Battle royale with @yacitus.


Screw you Letterpress and your shitty dictionary.
Hey. Cool. I get an LTE signal at the front of my house now.
My Tweetbot App Store review is up.

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