Here's a shot of @jillandjackcpl's lacy pink panties
I love waking up next to this every morning
Vacation #tittytuesday starring one of @jillandjackcpl's boobs
For those who like @jillandjackcpl's hair
Sex bruise on @jillandjackcpl's upper back
It's #tittytuesday. Accordingly, here's @jillandjackcpl
Jill's putting lotion on her legs in the car
#ThongThursday, featuring @jillandjackcpl
It's (Inter)National Cleavage Day!
I love these boobs
My hand, @jillandjackcpl's tit
It's #tittytuesday, so here are @jillandjackcpl's titties
Sunday morning self-portrait
Butterfly-shaped wet spot
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
#WhoopsWednesday starring @jillandjackcpl
Here's @jillandjackcpl's #TittyTuesday for this week
My P.O.V.
Late afternoon post-coital #tittytuesday starring @jillandjackcpl
Jill stripping in the car, part two
Jill stripping in the car, part one
#whackofftothiswednesday (I just made that up) starring @jillandjackcpl
Another week, another #TittyTuesday featuring @jillandjackcpl
Shower shenanigans

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Jack (and Jill)

Northern California

I'm on the sexual ride of my life and I'd love it if you joined me! 18+ and open-minded only please! Married to @jillandjackcpl.



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