@nzsunshine10 Look what I found & bought today: #
New top:
My great uncle's memorial plaque. He died in Ypres in 1916, I found out. This was in dad's garage:
@beltonwriter Briar:
.@msjenb Gardener's socks: #.
Chloe is listening to @Natalie_Brown' s new album The Relationship Odyssey
@DarkUgh White-tailed spider. Lampona sp.
@dnkboston Shortish, dark & cute.
@CateOwen Princess Chloe enjoying her chat longue. Goodnight
Guess what just arrived in the mail? Thanks @catconnor!
Here I am after getting my colours done:
We are here:
We're at the Vudu Cafe, Queenstown. Jar lightshades!
Here's a pic: Phone camera's not too good at night.
Victims of the wind:
Lights in Civic carpark show where vacant spaces are:  or not. James looks:
@GreenGlam Thanks. Me too. Here it is in situ:
I feel a need to twitpic my new cushion: isn't it lovely?
Princess enjoys her luxury.
And I couldn't resist this skirt, either.
My new outfit from Stax & Kumf's outlet shop. Thanks  @grab_one for the Stax voucher today.
Down to one lane new mw.
Toe shot: I survived, even with my puffy knee. Gravel driveway is worst challenge.
@diaryofaledger Here's a pic of our sunset I took for martyn:

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Jeanette Marsh

Auckland, New Zealand

in Auckland, New Zealand. Likes SF podcasts, gardening, cats & yoga.


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