I believe @droppicker is the only color picker with Touch Bar support. 

Great for quick access to colors http://dropcolorpicker.com
Less than a day later, we have a playable game! Thanks for following our #SwiftHackathon - it was a ton of fun!
Gotta make it harder. Some brainstorming on game mechanics #SwiftHackathon
Just a few hours later, we have the basics of a Swift powered game. Check it out! #SwiftHackathon
Our little game made in Swift actually does something! My little brother Zach reports from the trenches:
Pizza. Swift. All night. Can only mean one thing… live tweeting as we go
Here is the 1st iteration of my 1st animation powered by Pop.

This one is simple, more to come:
Video: Team update / my 10 yr old brother Zach explaining how he implemented rotation physics in @TappyBirdApp
2:30am and @TappyBirdApp is starting to really come together!

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Jeremy Olson

Charlotte, NC

Founder of Tapity - @gradesapp (Apple Design Award) & @languagesapp (App Store Best of 2012). Co-author of The App Design Handbook.

web www.tapity.com


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