@lecb @Jocassels @joecassels they look so small after the massive cakes I've been used to.
@joecassels  @Jocassels here are my cats
@joecassels  @Jocassels here are my cats
@Jocassels it's 2 massive turkeys. Yes we are at bird world.
@tenpn they are these - found them in sainsburys.
@lecb apparently good markets, And good news, we have missed the jazz weekend festival.
@Jocassels I'll see if I can get a pic of the piella face for you. Here you go, enjoy.
Hahaha, I should have sent you this one.
I question someone needed one, but why do you need this many?
I question someone needed one, but why do you need this many?
@Jocassels banana cake with cream cheese icing and walnuts.
@SarahMillican75 it's eaten. X
@Jocassels they are done!
@Jocassels k and I are having one each. No way big enough to share.
If you've had a rubbish day this may help, or it may not. I got a hole in 1 on this one.
If you've had a rubbish day this may help, or it may not. I got a hole in 1 on this one.
@Jocassels here's another pic
@Jocassels it was sooooooo good!
Jurassic crazy golf anyone?
@Jocassels good night from me and him.
These tissues seem to be telling me that my cold is worse that I think it is.
No gnome postcards, but this is the least creepy of all the gnomes.
@SarahMillican75 does this show how massive it is?
@Jocassels Maybe this?

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over excited about all things associated with morrissey, john oliver, snooker, adam and joe, flight of the conchords and kimi raikkonen


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