@Jocassels CHOW! same one but the first shot it was behind a post.
@Jocassels CHOW!
Making my way back from Suffolk - look what I got. It only means something to @Jocassels and I. For everyone else it's a chow on a lazy Susan in cake form.
As today has been such a good day, I rewarded myself with this.
Here is a pic until you get it.
@Jocassels here is more. I will sort this stuff out if it kills me. If that happens you can have what you like.
To quote @AdamRichman "today food won." The cheese cake was just too big.
To use the words of @AdamRichman "on this occasion food won." The cheese cake was just too big.
I had forgotten all about the table mat a friend got me. Look away now @Jocassels
There is some kind of dinosaur getting in or out of a lorry.
Strawberry sponge
@lecb I didn't do the good bit
Always nice to see some specific local graffiti
Wrapped and bagged! High 5
Sad and angry pumpkins by me and @tenpn. We are both proud.
It looks like George Lamb has been to Farnham.
@Jocassels I can't do what  @joecassels said so I took a photo of the playlist. Hope you can see it.
@Jocassels here they are
@Jocassels here it is.
@tenpn here is the Columbo mug. That's the best shot I can get.
I think he's trying to look up her dress.
Just a regular day out at the witchcraft museum.
Just a regular day out at the witchcraft museum
Here is the photo that gem wanted to see.

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over excited about all things associated with morrissey, john oliver, snooker, adam and joe, flight of the conchords and kimi raikkonen


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