Completely alone on the Admirals Club at AA. It's a good thing too, since I'm farting like the dickens.
8 Dec 2009 18:15

Completely alone on the Admirals Club at AA. It's a good thing too, since I'm farting like the dickens. 

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posted by Joy Ebel 17 Dec 2009 12:01

You're supposed to look down on the staff....or was she taking a breather?

posted by Cranie 8 Dec 2009 18:43

Jim Norton I was thinking 'Alcoholics Anonymous has an Admirals Club?" then saw the photo.

posted by jeff zurio 8 Dec 2009 18:31

Jim Norton stars in the new Robert Reed biopic, "A Bowl of Xmas Broth." In this scene, in an airport lounge, he waits to die alone. 4 stars.

posted by jeff zurio 8 Dec 2009 18:25

Jim Norton is it time play get shorty yet? what a scruffy looking shock jock.

posted by ronnie093 8 Dec 2009 18:24

Jim Norton Good luck again with Leno, Jimmy. Will be watching as always.

posted by William King 8 Dec 2009 18:19

Jim Norton you stink-bag. stop eating eggwhite & broc omletes

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Jim Norton

John Wayne Gacy's basement

This is my Twitter account. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Two comedy legends (or, more accurately,  one legend, one turtle) shooting the shit. Completely alone on the Admirals Club at AA. It's a good thing too, since I'm farting like the dickens. My friends came to pick me up for dinner, although I'd prefer not to say who.
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