What an original thought, LinkedIn. In fact, I do that every single workday.
First device ready for #iOS8. Cue theme from Twilight Zone…
For every #UX designer that doesn’t know how to code, there are 1,000 coders that “design” things like this.
“Please verify no missing components have been found.” Isn’t that exactly what this test is for? #UX
Why do so many #UX designers have a hard time with button labels? “Confirm?” Wouldn’t “Abandon” be much more logical?
“the ‘X’ in the upper-right-hand corner of this window” Because you expect all of your customers to run Windows? #UX
With so much space on the page, why not use radio buttons for this short list? #UX
With so much space on the page, why not use radio buttons for this short list? #UX
And why is the important link “To the knowledge base” squeezed into a corner when it should be front and center? #UX
“Maybe you’ve got malware. Maybe not.” 

To non-geek users, such vague information is scary, and not helpful. #UX
Dear @CapitalOne, why doesn’t this box simply state that I have AutoPay enabled? #UX
Attention to detail in @OmniFocus: Three windows. Three sync icons — rotating in-sync! #youMustSweatTheDetails #UX
This kind of dialog box may make your user’s cognitive load spike for a short, yet uncomfortable moment. #UX
This is what you get when designers aren’t familiar with the idea of “information scent.” #UX #badUX
.@SIRIUSXM, can you please check why your FAQ Answer Detail pages are empty on iOS devices?
.@SIRIUSXM, can you please check why your FAQ Answer Detail pages are empty on iOS devices?
.@FedExHelp One shipment, two boxes, only one arrived. Paid for 2-day delivery. How could that happen? Not impressed.
@femme_ke Wenn man dieses komische orange-rote Ding dazu nimmt, dann passt das schon. :)
The result of trying to add _one_ “Suggestion” to a  Google Doc.  #webAppsAreNowhereNearNativeAppUXYet #UX
Humor à la @British_Airways: Another promising Avios special, another total lack of seats. :(
Humor à la @British_Airways: Another promising Avios special, another total lack of seats. :(
.@wirlebenAC #Nürburgring, T4. Guter Blick auf’s Renn-Geschehen & wenn’s mal langweilig wird: Grandiose Eifel-Kulisse
Yes, controls for related functions should be grouped, but not this closely if one of them may lead to data loss. #UX
.@deaghean Thank you, Josh, for your awesome, classy Perspective icons. My @OmniFocus setup has never looked better!

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Jochen Wolters

Northern Colorado

Observe. Reflect. Make.

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