RT @FSOhio_KGoheen @LoriSchmidt and @BHOOLZ not liking Taylor Swift being played during TOs. What say you @joereedy?>
RT @dennism1969 @SportsTimeOhio @joereedy why do play like crap the few times there's a big crowd>
@DaveLozo Like this?
RT @JBirdman27 @MLBastian @joereedy Well, hey that makes two of us>
RT @joelhammond #LakeErieLonster>
RT @anthonysalyers @joereedy @ajrod what's the future of print media?>
Indians Hall of Fame luncheon
RT @brohio81 @joereedy best idea ever? Joe's Banana Phone.>
I wonder if this could be Paula Patton's reaction ...
RT @kscott524 Is @joereedy not tweeting because he hasn't stopped dancing after hearing about McCarron?>
One day late due to last nights postponement but Indians will wear 42 today
@rachelRACH10 it is
RT @MasterNater27 @joereedy if you had a walk up song what would it be and why is it Katy Perry - Roar?>
@pauldehnerjr You mean this?
Props to @Robbieswain for downing the 12 blazing wings in six minutes
RT @StevO_1960 @joereedy Didn't Odom have a really good year?>
RT @t_demint @joereedy are the bengals interested at all in Revis?>
RT @MisterRedLeg @joereedy When is it time to panic. I feel our chances of winning the Catus league is slipping>
RT @Xx_DogBed_xX @joereedy Assuming Weeden is cut could you see the Bengals bring him in as a back up?>
RT @jaydonblake420 @joereedy you see the Bengals looking into D'Qwell? #first>
RT @mikelpuckett @joereedy have you thought about how easy Francona will be to deal with compared to ol Marv?>
RT @404Whore @joereedy good riddance joe. You mostly sucked anyway. Cleveland deserves you. God Bless!>

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Joe Reedy

Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Enquirer Bengals writer Joe Reedy provides team news and analysis, talks UK basketball and auto racing and shares other perspectives uniquely Joe

web www.cincinnati.com/bengals


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