Leaving KC this morning...in a limo heading to a local diner for breakfast...then heading to the airport. #fb
just played at the Silpada convention in KC. 1000's of excited women...mostly about the new catalog! #fb!
...watching a rough edit of our new video w the nice radio folks here at WKLB in Boston. #fb
Check out the "Joey and Rory scarecrows" that some friends made and put out in their garden...so funny!
We just played "Hard 2 B Cool In A Minivan" to start off the ZBB show tonight here in Gilford, NH... #fb
On a plane heading to New Hampshire this morning.   Russdriver found him a buddy to snuggle with on the flight   #fb
On another plane now lvg Dallas...our first time to travel in First Class since our honeymoon 8 years ago!   #fb
Just boarded our first flight of the day. Headed to play for the troops in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba #  #fb
On the way to play a show for the troops in OK w Toby Keith. Having breakfast w the band at a local diner.   #fb
just picked some fresh cucumbers and green beans from my garden. I love growing the food I feed to my family.   #fb
shooting our new video today. The director is so old school...he's using a table saw and a bucket for a tripod.#fb
Getting my teeth cleaned...no fun!  Here's the view from where I'm sitting... -R.    #fb
Joey's up early watering her flowers here at the farm and I'm headed to the barn to work on my old Buick.   #fb
Our daughter Heidi picked us up from the airport last night. We stopped by her house to see all her flowers!   #fb
...signing autographs w ZBB here after the show at Mystic Lake Casino in MN. #fb
At the backstage "meet & greet" just now, my bride caught a  baby goose... She loves baby geese SO much!   #fb
having breakfast at Bob Evans before we drive to Danville, VA to play tonite w Dierks. #  #fb
having breakfast at Bob Evans before we drive to Danville, VA to play tonite w Dierks. #fb
Just played a show here in Fredericksburg, VA.  Big Kenny's mama and daddy came & visited w us!  We love them!   #fb
What a great show at Steamboat Days last night... perfect weather, beautiful location, and a wonderful crowd. #  #fb
having an Anniversary dinner at Stoney River Steakhouse with Heidi and Marcy.   It's been a great day!    #fb
It's our Anniversary! Having bfst at the truckstop where we met for our very first cup if coffee 8 years ago. #  #fb
helped shoot photos of r buddy Wynn for his album today. Here's 1 of my faves. It's called "a day at the spa"   #fb
Joey showing her garden to our friend cowboy Jack Lawrence. She's enjoying being home picking turnips today. #fb

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Joey and Rory Feek

Hardison Mill, TN

the singer and the song

web www.joeyandrory.com


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