Another healthy meal. I don't know myself anymore
What the F is this?
This is happening tonight #itshappening
I have literally. Let me repeat, literally. Never made a healthier choice in my life
There are two things I prepare very well in the kitchen. They are breakfast and these...
My #Drunkmas card
My #Drunkmas card
#Drunkmas requires this type of setup or more
Slowly but surely we are catching up to Japan's vending technology
Poor man's nachos: old broken up taco shells, Hormel Chili and cheese
Just put this bad boy on the grill #summerofgrilling
At least I've got some Old Style to cool me down #summerofgrilling
Chillin' with Sailor Jerry and Coke
My neighbors are geniuses
Don't know why this was in my trash can. It's for the 360.
My buddy Quentin just brought this over in exchange for Wii Sports... as a joke
I can't stop thinking about the burger I made last night. How could I not? Look at that beauty #summerofgrilling
The perfect end to 'Merica day
Keep telling yourself that West St Paul
Skydiving was fucking amazing!!!!!!
One of the many treasures found in my rubbermaid tub "time capsule"
Just got my new iPhone case with a personalized thank you note from @ShopTheWebster.
Iowa sunset
"Ribs are the cake of the meat world" - @meggo10 #summerofgrilling

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John Sandala

Minneapolis, MN

Self proclaimed nerd and advertising geek roaming the Twin cities. I am also the Duke of Nerd.



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