Now!! Wow!  ✺ Look at the sky!!  ☪
Wow!  ✺ Look at the sky!!  ☪
We hatched the caterpillars that were eating our dill & they turned into beautiful butterflies!
Eliza Gilkyson at the Biopark in #abq.
Can you hear the coyotes singing in the north valley?
Mandatory outside time after dinner or help clean the kitchen. Your choice, kid. #parenting
Lucky just had his 1st real walk (1/2 mile) since losing a leg after an SUV hit him 3 weeks ago. Now he's pooped!
It's amazing to think how ancient this guy's lineage is. This cosmic orange & gold dragonfly loves our pond.
Apples, anyone?
Ecstatic joy abounding as @twittelator & I discovered that @LeVarBurton uses Twittelator!
♬ 'Corn' - Junkyard Jane ♪ don't forget the toothpicks!
P-funking for a little while at least. George Clinton doesn't look a day over 69!
Georgie porgie pudding pie, funking up the Sunshine in #abq #pFunk
Why, hello there Ms. Spider!  So sorry to hear about your husband.
Happy mothers day to me! Bfast in bed with my favorite peeps.
Evan Moulson wears a thespian beanie on The Childrens Hour.  Now on KUNM
Strong winds make for crazy kite flying.
I listen for a ♫ rhythm ♫ in the pounding hail,☂ pelting my truck where I'm stuck.
Help me bug man!  What are these?
Go look at Mercury low in the western sky to the right and below shiny Venus.
Boys playing tunes under Venus & Mercury.
Do I cheer for the cat  or save the mouse  ?
Agave in the charoset is delicious!  Happy Passover!!

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Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107

Mom, advocate, activist, radio producer, gardener, hiker, animal lover



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