Why are they trying to punish me?
Lol these bloodsuckers even call themselves SEALS
ERMAGHERD! Lolcats are taking over
Buche D’Affinois is so yummy with semi dried tomatoes #allgonenow
I might possibly survive Xmas now
@avidwriter oh that’s so sad :( here’s a pic of our rescue dog Ollie to cheer you up @ / @damonism
@mpesce @keanm touching the Light. #moorescloud #esexmas
Hilarious car stick zombie family
Another doggy day here at Chez Carruthers in the lizard wars
Everything that Australian bricks & mortar retailers should fear in 1 pic = 3hr delivery
Ok baked eggs appear to be a real thing
Lol my aunt just shared this with me re Facebook #sumsitupreally
Disturbing Xmas lights at Hilton
Peas on earth & goodwill to all beings
Off for BBQ with Social Innovation Exchange Summer School crew #sixoz12
So my screen has been trying to load Gmail via @Telstra 4G data for about 20 mins now :(
Splendid backyard day here, love the Jacaranda in bloom
Wow banks in Australia really are getting multicultural #diwali
LOL Love this warning to protect my brother in law’s parking spot
This is why we need NBN! on @telstra 3G it’s impossible to even open a web page
Oh look it’s a @firstdogonmoon thingy on auction for #ccdinner
The babies are getting ready to meet folks @hubmelbourne with @mpesce #moorescloud
I’m on a tram
#cyberresilience because god knows we need it

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