Broke out an old slot racing set that was my Dad’s, it’s a work in progress.
It’s rained so much in Oklahoma @chanceballard & @HeyitsClint are soaked. @LifestreamJC #CTLN #audiohumor #OKWX #verb
My two youngest doing a little shopping…

@melanieself #ActuallyJustPointingOutWeirdMannequins
Google Earth view of the creek behind my house & a video of it currently. #CreeksUpABit
The scene earlier at church as an apparent tornado basically passed right over us. #OKWX #wrongscreenorientationiknow
Hot Chocolate?


Fresh chocolate chip cookies?


Tunes to sled to?


#snowday @JourneyChurchtv
#ImBatman #FamilyOutting

This says it best… #IsHeAMuppet #HappyNewYear  @themartytaylor
Happy New Ye-ah! #NewYears @themartytaylor
8-bit Christmas and the talent and artistry of @StevenHallAV & @themartytaylor #Spectacular14  @JourneyChurchtv
@JohnCleese @montypython My son has developed a silly walk for your consideration.
Looks like the #whitetiger found a home on the creative couch. @themartytaylor @AustinaciousP
Made it! #whitetiger is safely home.
@AustinaciousP New update from #whitetiger…
#whitetiger pulled off for some live streaming… @AustinaciousP
#whitetiger crossing the mighty Mississippi. #MiniVanMafia
#whitetiger update from somewhere in Mississippi. @AustinaciousP @themartytaylor
#whitetiger update from Winfield, AL #cedarlanding @AustinaciousP @themartytaylor
#WhiteTiger #eltigreblanco update… @themartytaylor
Traffic? Why not a little @JimGaffigan to keep our moral up? #whitetiger #wejust
movedfivefeet @themartytaylor
The trip takes on a more serious posture as @themartytaylor enters a “teaching” moment. #whitetiger
@themartytaylor @AustinaciousP #whitetiger prequel. #outtakes #deletedscenes
N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-now here’s a video of our travel so far. #whitetiger @themartytaylor @AustinaciousP
@AustinaciousP like you’ve never seen him before. Live tweets from the #whitetiger @themartytaylor

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Kendall Self, CTS

Norman, Oklahoma

Tech junkie, Husband, Father of Four, Production Manager & Audio Director @journeychurchtv, Transformers geek. Doing what I love!


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