@HockeyMaine1Wx1 Almost here!
@HockeyMaine1Wx1 Nothing yet.
LOL @SoxFan2414 @MaryB1972
Just a little rain in eastern NC...
Just a little rain in eastern NC...
Holy thunderstorms batman!
Kitty cuddles rule.
Loving this weather!
Opposite end from what I'm used to but great view of Spooner's goal.
It’s 12 O’Clock somewhere. Here!!
Bummed I missed this today…
Beautiful day in ENC.
Mr poor kitty doesn't feel good. Thus I get to spend the day like this.
Not to rub it in to my friends back home...
This doesn't suck.
Winter wonderland in NC. This amount of snow basically shuts down the state.
@gorskic Thanks!! Still looks pretty gloomy here. And very snowy.
Got dessert to go 'cuz I wasn't quite ready for it. I am now!
Leaving a great weather weekend in NC for a mess in Boston. I hope the Bs make it worthwhile.
Oh boy, doesn't look promising for my weekend trip to Boston...
Jester is not impressed with the pre-game coverage.
He must know when he has really gotten on my nerves cuz he always gives me this look just before I lose it.

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Fall River, Massachusetts

Diehard fan of the Boston Bruins and Jeff Gordon. Also a fan of vampire genres like True Blood and Twilight. Animal lover. slegr_71 on HFBoards.


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