My slacker coworker fell asleep on the job again.
Found this on my desk :-)
Coffee + Pup + Park = a super start to the day.
The laundry was clean. If only for a moment.
One kitty. Lots of feets.
@MikatheStripper :-)
@MikatheStripper :-)
@mikefazio well shoot. I've got my elephants on.
Today's beautiful coffee moment. Thanks again La Colombe &  @toddcarmichael
The motivation to go out in this weather. Happy Wednesday to me! La Colombe, nothing beats it.
Keep calm.
Saw this in Ikea today, and giggled ...because I'm still 12.  (top right label)
1250 feet above the taxis #yesterdaywasfun
The Franklin Institute hawks laid their first egg today :-) I love spring.
There really are no words for this shot...
Teaching kitty the importance of a good sun spot. She doesn't looked thrilled. ...yet
@allieharch Moon showed her who the boss was...Now they're a two kitteh pride.
@allieharch but after a month or 2 she started letting us pick her up & now almost 2yrs later she's a cuddle butt
Today's moment of adorable-ish-ness.
Sometimes it's like you're not even listening.
Nose covered! Not a faker mcfakeypants @valkrye131
Better shot of bumble bee dog
There's a dog in a bumble bee costume in TD Bank
BF's plate at Ray's Cafe... So cute :)

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