tippinpn on my clittttt.
snort sort snort wiff yer drinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
down till im faded. oh its a good night. #fuckyou
whose turn is it. THIRTEEN BIRCH
more wine timeeee
wine time.
video games, drugs, and fun.
dancing wiff my homeboys and homegirls
oh and mr. Sailor Jerry. GOOOODDDD TIMESSSSS
Corona is a Mexican's water.
i am thankful for my lighters and bowls. here's to you, my stoner friends!
said the death will come slowly. fuck it, i'm down.
boys are hella little kids. this should be fun. #bitchmodeON
i swear i'm here at least five times a week.
grocery shoppinggg
oh it's going to be a high day.
waa waaa waaaa. forreals? how many times do we have to play this stupid ass game. #GTFO
feel the urge to break something.
things @aleeyy would say.
today was a great day with @aleeyy(: gotta love her.
on a mission to taco bell. #nowplaying
my heart is in san francisco.
when i thought shit was shady, the unexpected comes through. gotta appreciate friends. #partytime

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