@ShawnaTova sure. Go for it
@ShawnaTova sure. Go for it
@ShawnaTova this two is from a joke site on Facebook
@ShawnaTova this two is from a joke site on Facebook
@ShawnaTova I sleep great until 3. Then by 4 I was out again. 
This is the stuff go for bday yaaaa
@ShawnaTova got this off @glennbeck 
Hope it give u some ideas.
@ShawnaTova this be where I'm
@KOINNews I have sun
@ShawnaTova mmm big boat
@ShawnaTova this where I am
@ShawnaTova am friend brain is at the coast
@ShawnaTova the rain has started
@ShawnaTova hope this helps
@ShawnaTova hope this helps
@ShawnaTova here is where I'm at
Hope U like
@ShawnaTova not have I got a video to send u. Wow. Will have it to u in a few when I get back in to dock
@ShawnaTova got a train for u
@ShawnaTova got a train for u
@ShawnaTova choo choo and mmm wood.
@ShawnaTova choo choo and mmm wood.
@ShawnaTova cross the river from where I was yesterday getting more fruit
@ShawnaTova a little hill
@ShawnaTova what u think

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A libertarian who believes in the Constitution. Thinks the US needs to go back to its founding. #KLR #dual-purpose #ninja #motorcycle


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