Actually, there aren't any nerds here. We're all posers. With tons of Rubiks cubes.
No, really. What does YOUR lunchroom look like? @jessmogen wins one for #the_nerdery.
Our competition took a break from their euro competitive circuit to compete
Training for #mplsdesignpingpongchampionships. Need shorter hashtag.
My kind of lunch break.
I don't care what some shitty newspaper says. #the_nerdery is the best place to work. (see Exhibit A)
Watching @josefbig go big at the @grovelandtap. It's an unoffocial #jlt09. The mayor approves.
Srsly reconsidering move to Chicago. New deliveries to #the_nerdery. Yes, that's Tron.
@rycera restores his man cred, sorta. Is he doing a manicure?
Is that a mikes hard lemonade on @rycera's desk? I think so!
Example of the yelp augmented reality on iPhone 3gs
facebook 3.0 confirmation (for @nelsonm)
16 new messages, but scalix activesync displays 0. Can we goto google apps, yet?
Hey @hughweber, this is for you. #beerforboobs
That funny ass @mister_pickles decided to come to #the_nerdery today
The old man pulls through. 36 beers? You know it.
My printer and I are in a lovers quarrel. It's winning, but I can still laugh (hint: printer name).
Congratulations @kensykora on earning the @replyallhat at #the_nerdery
This db makes the rest of us look lame. #fancyparking
Wheeling an ATM through sand pits. Uhm. Yeah.
Where am I?
Wolfshirt just got a reality check #hamelrodeo
At the Hamel rodeo with @mralec getting our yeehaw on.

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avid buzzword bingo enthusiast. shifting paradigms and changing the game. slap chop suey baba booey baba booey. BORG at nerdery.


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