Triple Nelson
@3offtheT not this one lol
@SlimAlsCabs er hum where's mine you knob
@simonMFCkelly I put on at the bellagio once! Lol
Bodge it and leg it!
Oops..take one 30+ foot truck, take a right turn from Bolton st onto Piccadilly, take parked cars and what do you have?
I know it's a local before K's but google maps must think I work the airport! Pmsl
I'm at Dalston junction with YB in front for hire! Is there an extension?
.. @golfporter or this one with Mandalay bay in background
@golfporter we could use the rio secco one?

Net score 26 
League points 16
I replied earlier
@GBCINTHEVITO moan moan's what I got off x earlier! Want them?
Half me F&C money in the bag!
Evening all ,eyes down!!⛳
Oh dear fire canning town
@3offtheT @Hrawli @Rossy_smith 

This is pandoras box
You think this next punter is related ????
So guy jibs in on roundabout at pads in pink livery cab Id in 30000's and when confronted says fuck off I been doing job years!!
4th FUCKING sure!
And for  @erb66 last track of night keeps saying storage almost full then starts 'cleaning' my twitterlator app

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mark morris

iPhone: 51.677802,-0.001391

Proud London cabby. We should all have 'The Knowledge'!


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