Bouncing down audio... Saturday night style :)
I must force myself away from  this and sleep... Back at it early am...
@CrissyLuvz @madeoflove hahaha!!!! Check it
I'm having a well deserved glass of wine as I listen to the very nearly finished next single from Neev and myself
Oh sorry am I in your way?
@NatalieCola too easy
This made me hungry... #cute
Well I'm certainly not cleansing any more am I? #bacon
Another pic of Catzilla and the lovely @BoeingAirplanes 777  @AirCanada sent me. #planeporn #traveltuesday #avgeek
Thanks @AirCanada @ACTopTier and @Aeroplan for the mil mile kit,It's been placed where catzilla can't get to it :)
Well now it's official! Got my passport in the mail, These 2 pretty much cover the entire planet for easy access.
Happy place...
Well I certainly never thought I would be in this position! #notmyidea
My weirdo cat has found a new spot at the end of the bed...
@MichaelBirney just this really :). I also broadcast studio sessions live on ustream sometimes
My assistant used to make me awesome covers for my CDs so I could pick them out quickly...
The things you find in old boxes such as this @Funkagenda demo showreel...
I just pulled this out from 1996...
Haha someone registered @Apple and this is all they have tweeted...
At Canadian passport office (boo!) but I have words with friends (yay!) but I have 3% battery (boo!)
@LizOstroff old port is plastered with his pic also
This is why I rarely bother with my facebook inbox...
Ahi tuna blt! Win
Dear Calgary plane station. The Jurassic park trend died out 12 years ago...

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Max Graham


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