w00t my iBood came in :-)
The Primafoon House
#ee Internals of a Ruckus 2942 AP - look at ghe nifty antenna setup :-)
#ee Testing our new Ruckus setup! Kewl Wifi stuff :-)
Holland by the Sea
The sun is out in Amsterdam
RAUW @ Melkweg!
Advertisement posters for aerea.nl - Amsterdams new WiMax provider
I reall like our new Event-Engineers.nl flight cases
Home-brew espresso!
@2525 over de macht van internet @ nacht vd macht
signing session #sam
#sam @marcfonteijn now asks questions: what is event experience intensity?
Visitor experience #sam
Graduation of @sgfwarnaars about event experience #sam
This reminded me of Amelie the movie @ Amsterdam CS yesterday
It's @dutchcowboy at #nictiz  :-)
Event organizing fun! And I'm not even here for them today :-)
Het gaat over geld... @kruithoph is geinteresseerd :-)
I've got some exclusive #momo stickers - DM if you want to have some
Testing Mobypicture and Facebook integration
Coffee #home
@patrick did the cashflow go from right to left? :-) #bowlr
T-mobile just send me this :-)

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