@mchastain81 J can relate…
Boiled peanuts in the pressure cooker… happening now! @FLMolly @therickwilson
@JDtheBard Old buildings under renovation now…
@JDtheBard The new snazzy dorms…
Scenes from the Hillsborough river … completely nonplussed by the ALLIGATOR behind it…
@noradaexploraa you would become extinct, like these….
This is my crack. 
And by crack, I mean something addictive. 
Nothing related to plumber’s butt.
.@FLMolly… I found the perfect party favors!!!! LOL
@rbanditt LOL… this was my niece, keeping it real, at Christmas…
Meanwhile, over in China… People’s Daily is erecting a new building for their headquarters.
A good thought.
These are pretty tasty…
Awakened to storms… going to bed with more rain… but in between, if was Florida beautiful!
Welcome back, Weiner.
"Good thing I'm not looking for a man. I'd never find one wearing these glasses!"

@EricLuallen You may appreciate this...
Fridays with Velma....
@JeffHouck ...
It was a beautiful day on the fairway...
Monica Dixon, 42, causes a disruption at a South Carolina press conference earlier today.
No words.
Masters Champion Dinner is underway!! Cornbread in the oven... Mac & Cheese starting now.
Every so often, life affirms the fact that I really am okay with my infertility...
Best Westboro Baptist lede ever. Seriously. Ever. HT to the wonderful @mengus22 for this one!

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Melissa Moore

Tampa, Florida

Creative... Conservative... Loves to talk politics and religion... Lover of Rays Baseball


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