This mornings hot model. Hitting road to Edmonton now...
Dude with silly hat and buffy the snake.
Hot model and buffy the snake on Calgary rooftop!
Hot hot hot!
Sneaking in chocolate to the cinema is where its at today folks!
Ohh. My first experience of...
Car park with a view...
At the top of Calgary Tower. Great view but its all a bit cheap and tacky up here!
At the movies to see some film about bastards!
Time for a lonely beer at the hotel bar.
Todays hot Calgary model and some dude in a silly hat.
Thankfully the inside of the hotel is a lot nicer than the outside.
I am enjoying tea and cake with the worlds largest crow!
Made it into Alberta!
Breakfast at Timbermill.  My waitress is hot!!!
Out trying to photograph the sunset. Failing. Too many tall green things in way!
Have exited the wilderness briefly for tea and cake.
Filming the water for an idea of a new project I have...
This is fun!
And we're off!
Saw a motorbike with British licence plates on the road to Whistler today.

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