Umm….something you don’t see all the time…
#Melbourne #Transformer #Transformers
The Dolls of Hazzard warming up. 
#melbourne #vrdl #derby #rollerderby
Stop waving your banana in my face, I don't even want it. 
(Shit lighting but one of my best!)
#DubSmash #Funny
Sharing the #TaylorSwift #DubSmash love...
@richardthewatts I like turtles.
Doorway art in #Northcote. 
#MelbourneStreetArt #StreetArt #Art
Little frog trying to "escape" 
Not even #TaylorSwift can be more entertaining when #Myrex get together!
This has been going on for ten minutes. @MelAir. My ears are about to start bleeding...
Finally! Now I know how dinosaurs pooped!
How could you not taker her flyer? (& go see her show) @claracupcakes 
#micf15 #micf #Melbourne #TheMerchantOfWhimsy
Oh god. The NIGHTMARES!!!!
LEAVE Britney alone!!!!!!
@ethanaddie @becellent also....this...good night.
@ethanaddie still, to this day, I think of you.
@PoshLopez pfft.
@PoshLopez pfft.... #MeanGirls
Oh Lordy. One just discovered #DubSmash.
@Drew_AU haha. I can totally see me doing this…in fact….gif that.
Oh you know, just watching a puppet give birth...
#TestingGrounds #Melbourne #SnuffPuppets #Puppet #Birth #Pregnant
@polentamcphee done!
The animated mannequins at the #jpgngv exhibition are just a little bit creepy! 
#JeanPaulGaultier #fashion #NGV
"Le Tutu dansant" - the dancing tutu by Annette Messenger. 
#MCA #art #tutu #dance #MyMyDoesSydney

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Myron My


Creative thinker. Involved with the Arts. Inappropriately funny; will most likely offend. Reviewer. Lover of gin. Lived in Japan & London. Owns a panda costume.



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