Now it's a party!
I'm eating lasagna in a Thai Restaurant. It's good. This is wrong!
@wilw. Here you go. I took this picture in Kansas City tonight. Amazingly it's now snowing outside! I know! Right?
@wilw. Wait! I took this sunset picture in Kansas City tonight!!!
Delivered a box of treats to work about an hour ago. I wonder how many are left. There were 52...
Thai spice flounder.
OMG. Five spice quail.
@kirstimelville. Thanks for the follow! Looks like you love some food. Here's a pic of my Salade Niçoise for you!
Tuna burger from tonight!!!
I just took a blow torch to the turkey. It's a perfect golden brown!!
Eat your chickory heart out. Happy Thanksgiving!
@tylerbydesign. At Target. The 80's are fresh again.
Hey!  @bagombo!  Check it out!!!
Goofy with my namesake.
At Sean and Becky's.
@tylerbydesign. For you!
I'm at Filoli. Beautiful even this time of year!
One more!
I'm at Filoli. Beautiful even this time of year!
One more!
Mmmmmm. The Counter in San Jose. Sure it's a chain but they cooked my burger perfect the first time!!!
Dinner at my sisters. Envy me.
Made a trip to the garden today! Envy me.
Check the flipped collar. And it say "Hugging". WTF? New douche bag label or instructions?

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mike dalena

KCMO, somewhere in the Orion A

Scary, Sweet, Fun, Tall, Eater, Angry, Happy, All.



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