o, iz summertime?? I hates you, summers and fleas and itchies :(
*almost* outsideworld!!!
i iz not a popsicle @toothlessbruce!!
tried to eat @toothlessbruce this morning! but his fur is not so tasty
twatterverse! I iz cone-less since Monday a.m. & haz not eaten muh flesh off!! izza celebration bishes!
soooo now lady says I should just get TOTALLY high.
soooo now lady says I should just get TOTALLY high.
clean sweater, Revolution, no cone.....nope, still want to eat myself.
i iz pancake
lady took my space helmet off. it only took me five hours with minor bleeding, but i stopped licking!
hiding out in my batcave for the rest of the night, licking. Screw you lady.
sooooo sleeeeepeh!
today i iz a blanket chimichanga om nom nom
i iz a blanket spelunker!!
dis how I sleep when mah nose is cold...cone or not, is headdesk
got to go outsiiiiide!! now iz pooped.
bizarro cat is bizarro!
bizarro cat is bizarro!
happy halloween! i iz a satellite dish.
we should like outside pls crazy lady pllllzzzzzz?!
i haz found sunshine puddle
so confused

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