21 Feb 2020 12:54

In part four of the visit to #Lesvos – which aired last month on and Susila Cruyff continue their visit at the Spanos football fields. During this episode, Susila speaks with a young female resident who shares her story of fleeing her home three years ago and how football is now having a real positive impact on her life.
A big thanks to the Johan Cruyff Foundation for visiting us for and for planning with us to build three safe play areas on Lesvos and Samos, and to the for granting us with the funds to make this project happen.
#CamptoCampUs #DignityForAll 

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On Samos, the population of Vathy camp is sitting at roughly around 7,500 people. A good half of this population is living outside of the camp vaccinaties in summer tents, in an area referred to as ‘The Jungle’.
‘The Jungle’ is not suitable for tents due to the instability of the ground. So, as a way to make a slight improvement to the living conditions, we provide residents living in summer tents with pallets and tarps. By all means, this isn’t the ideal solution but it helps to create at least a more stable and safe shelter.
Want to contribute to improving these living conditions and elevate this solution to the next level? Invest in the residents of Vathy camp by contributing to our mission. More info can be found in our #linkinbio
#camptocampus #dignityforall .
In part four of the @cruyfffoundation visit to #Lesvos – which aired last month on @rtl4 – @johnnydemolofficial and Susila Cruyff continue their visit at the Spanos football fields. During this episode, Susila speaks with a young female resident who shares her story of fleeing her home three years ago and how football is now having a real positive impact on her life.
A big thanks to the Johan Cruyff Foundation for visiting us for and for planning with us to build three safe play areas on Lesvos and Samos, and to the @postcodelotterie for granting us with the funds to make this project happen.
#CamptoCampUs #DignityForAll From little things, big things grow. 🌱
This time last year, #Moria camp held close to 5,000 residents. Now, the camp is ‘home’ to close to 20,000 residents, a majority living in the unstable Olive Groves outside of the camp.
Our goal since we declared a state of emergency on the situation on Lesvos back in August last year, was to improve the living conditions for the people in the Olive Groves, and we can now say, we are well on the way to realising this. .
These before and after shots show our progress since October last year. Since then, we have helped to improve the living conditions for 2,000 residents in the Olive Groves, and our goal is to help many, many more.
Simple solutions like gravelling the ground, providing pallets and installing wash units, have already make an impact upon residents’ livelihood, but we need to achieve a lot more in order to create bigger impact!
So if you’re interested in contributing to the growth of our mission and the livelihood of our residents, head to our #linkinbio for more info on how you can get involved!
Photo credits: Gijs Wessels + @photolgaphy .
#CampToCampUs #dignityforall
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